Observed assessments offer parents a valuable insight into their child's learning, giving them the tools to help their child succeed.
​Ali Bradley writes ...
I have long been aware of a need for parents to be able to gather high quality information about their child's learning and achievements, in order to help each child reach their personal goals.
Children have one school career and should gain the most they can at this crucial time of development. Schools provide an excellent service in monitoring your children's progress although teachers do not have the time to sit next to your child for a full hour's individual observation. My purpose is to give parents as much information as I can about their child’s learning, using all my experience in this area.
I am a former Headteacher with over 30 years’ experience in teaching, assessing, advising and counseling children, teachers and parents. My passion is to help and nurture children, in partnership with their parents and carers.
I have run courses and inset for teachers and parents as well as for the IAPS (Independent Association for Preparatory Schools). I have worked closely with Place2Be in school, the children’s, counseling charity and my mission is and has always been, to help children to feel confident and to succeed.
I have spent my working life working with parents to find the unique key for each child to feel confident in their learning journey and to be proud of their achievements.
During my career, I have assessed children on entry to school at all ages and levels within the primary setting. I have identified countless children with learning differences and advised next steps, which may be sending them on to a diagnostician. This has proved positively life-changing in the child’s and parents' understanding of themselves and those around them.